Why is Style Important For Your Success

Remember the saying dress for the job you want and not the job you have. Some of the world’s best leaders, business gurus and important figures rely on the power of style to convey a message about themselves to the world. Being put together, having clean clothes on your back or clothes that you like can make you feel empowered, as if you’re ready to take on the world. 

There’s numerous studies and research that has been conducted which validates your physical appearance can have a direct and proportional impact on your success rate. The academia world further supports the notion of the psychology of fashion and the effects of the clothes you put on your body.

Our state of mind largely determines the actions and decisions we take in life. Our emotions at times can dictate our behavior as well. In success, especially the saying “mind over matter” is repeatedly chanted. You can’t get anything if your mind isn’t in the right place. With that same token, you can get everything you want if your mind is right. 

Clothes can trigger positive or negative emotions. The clothes you have on your back can impact your emotions and/or mood which in turn can propertionaly influence your productivity and performance. It’s a very cyclical process and they’re all interconnected.

This ideology has been proven again and again, and can be applied to big and small scenarios. From delivering a presentation to senior leadership at work or wanting to ask out the girl or guy you like for a coffee – the principle is simple: when you look good, you feel good and then you do good.

Now let me give you another example. Imagine you put your house up for sale. You shortlist two real estate agents who have gotten amazing reviews and come with years of experience under their belt. You call both of them for an in person meeting. One of them shows up in jeans and a t-shirt, whereas the other shows up in a well-fit tailored suit. Who do you trust more to sell your house? I would assume the latter based off of first impressions.

And that’s the thing with maintaining a specific image for yourself. It’s not only about your own self-perception, it comes down to how others view you as well. Many undermine the importance of style, yet they forget how impactful it can be in helping you achieve your desired level of success.

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