How to Develop Your Signature Style

Developing a signature style is so important to boost your confidence and to have a sense of self-esteem. Now I know many people don’t see it as that – but it’s so true. How you look and how you present yourself sets a certain tone of how people look at you. 

Signature styles offer a precedent for people to respect you and they know what to expect from you. It’s like gaining trust and credibility right off the bat. It shows that you’ve put thought and effort into becoming someone people should listen to. Now how do you do that? How do you develop a style that gets people listening yet still shows off your authentic personality? You develop a signature style and I help you do that down below.

  1. Figure out your life and career goals. Life goals are really important because I feel you should always envision what you want represented in your clothes – what kind of a woman you want to be; what goals and dreams do you aspire of and most importantly the direction you want to take in your life. For example, if I’m trying to get a promotion at work I want to make sure I’m adding in a lot of professional attire to my wardrobe. I want to be able to present myself in front of senior leadership and be taken seriously. I want to feel like I belong in a meeting and not just an entry level contributor who gets the work handed off to her.
  2. Find inspiration around you and online. This bit is important because you want to be able to emulate the energy you see represented. In order to do that, you have to look for people whose style you resonate with. Think about the kind of message they’re communicating with their style – does it resonate with what you’re trying to express about yourself?
  3. Find 3-5 words you want to feel represented in your style. Now these can be personality traits, aspirations, hobbies, interests, etc. These are facets of your personality that you’d want people to tune into.
  4. Understand your body type and what is most flattering on you. A lot of times women just imitate what they see on others without finding a balance between what looks good on them. This leaves them feeling less confident than the started because they’re trying to be someone else versus finding inspiration in someone else.
  5. Identify what is unique to you and your style. This can be a certain style formula you wear consistently, maybe you’re the queen of accessories or wearing bold colors? Find something that is special to you and incorporate that into your style.

These are simple yet effective ways for you to create a signature look that will feel good to you! Be patient with yourself and accept to go through a trial and error process to get you to a place in your style that feels good. Lastly, your style will evolve over time and as your life goals change. Have fun and embrace who you are as a person to fully enjoy the style you develop.

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